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The Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is often effective with a wide range of complaints, including but not limited to chronic fatigue, depression, back pain, joint pain, infertility, asthma, addictions, and stress. Acupuncture is also helpful for many chronic illnesses and health concerns that have no clear origin or cause. Patients committed to a healthy lifestyle who receive ongoing acupuncture treatment for maintenance and health promotion often experience:

*Being sick less often and recovering more quickly

*Improvement of vitality and stamina

*Being able to take care of their own health

*Relationships with others deepening and becoming more harmonious

*Reductions in long term health care costs

A recent survey of people who receive acupuncture, conducted by Claire Cassidy, Ph.D., indicates that they see their physicians less frequently and use fewer  medications.


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[The Electro Properties of Acupuncture] | [Conditions Benefiting from Acupuncture]



~~ Over 140 years of experience in providing healthcare.  A family tradition since 1860 ~~

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